End Domestic Violence 
strong men

For Fathers // Brothers // Sons //

For Fathers // Brothers // Sons //

Free. Confidential. 24/7.


  1. Immediate Safety Concerns: Providing urgent assistance when male callers face danger from female abusers.

  2. Emotional Support: Offering men a compassionate ear during challenging times.

  3. Safety Planning: Assisting men with strategies to safely leave an abusive relationship, and help preventing false accusations by women.

  4. Learning About Options: Explaining legal and personal choices available to male survivors.

  5. Accessing Resources: Connecting men with shelters, counseling, and legal aid.

  6. Crisis Management: Offering men guidance during immediate crises to help make informed decisions.

  7. Understanding Domestic Violence: Educating men on the dynamics of abusive relationships.

  8. Legal Guidance: Resources on issues like protective orders and custody (not legal advice).

  9. Healthy Relationship Education: Helping men identify characteristics of healthy relationships.

  10. Anonymous Reporting: Facilitating safe and confidential reporting of abuse.

  11. Support for Family and Friends: Advising men on how to support loved ones facing abuse.

  12. Abuse Types: Addressing emotional, physical, sexual, or financial abuse concerns.

  13. Financial Abuse: Providing support and guidance for men experiencing control over their finances by a female abuser.

    and more…

Support for the Men You Care About

A $5 donation is 50 messages.
Buy us a coffee. 🙏
Tax deductible.

Our service is free. On average, each call costs just $2—your $10 donation could help save 5 lives. Chat messages cost us $10 cents. We aim to solve DV affordably.

Our AI-driven approach delivers the most accurate, real-time information, ensuring straight male survivors receive immediate, tailored support with unmatched speed and precision. Backed by expert guidance with 15+ years of DV experience.




You’re not alone, sir.